Sunday, May 17, 2015

As Humans, We Are the World's Greatest Asset

Human Resources is the management of human capital, an organizations greatest asset.  Human capital are the organizations employees.  Employees are us!  The people in this world who get up every day to complete various functions from, going to work, to grocery shopping.  As humans, we are our world's greatest resources!  We work hard to earn money (capital) in an effort to provide ourselves with the desires of our hearts. We are the workforce behind every workload, and nothing in this world would be possible without human resources. 

When we speak of resources, we must understand that various resources exist in this world, all of which must be acquired with the exchange of another resource.  Whether that resource be a good, service, or financial, it is the human resource that makes all other resources to be of any value.  Capital gain from goods, service, and financial institutions would decline if it were not for the world's greatest resource, humans.

How would financial institutions capitalize off of interest?  How would businesses operate, or profit?  What would be the need of material, chemical, or technical resources, if it were not for humans?  There would be no need!  "As Humans, We Are the World's Greatest Resource!"

Elaine "Mes'Te" Northington

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